About Venezia Autentica

    Venezia Autentica is the only company trying to improve the future of Venice and the Venetians by changing the way we see and impact Venice, delivering news, info, entertainment and tools to millions of people around the world.

      Venezia Autentica in a nutshell

      Started as a campaign in the autumn of 2015, Venezia Autentica is a social enterprise founded in Venice in 2017. Our goal is to transform the way tourism impacts the city. We want to move from an unsustainable mass tourism, that benefits neither the visitors nor the residents, to a more sustainable, more responsible tourism which is a true win-win.
      To do so, we are using social innovation and digital technologies to make it easy and fun for visitors to have a quality experience in Venice while making  a positive impact locally. With our campaigns, platforms and programs, we empower both local businesses and travelers by creating a system that bridges the gap between them. Visitors can therefore have a more authentic and more meaninful experience that directly supports local businesses. This is important as it benefits the quality of tourism and the local economy and helps to preserve the local community, culture, identity and environment.
      The co-founders of Venezia Autentica are regularly speaking at events and commenting on media. The work of Venezia Autentica has been featured in Forbes, BBC, and more and have been underlined by international competitions which identify the best digital solutions changing societies.


      VenezIa Autentica. or Authentic Venice, is a social business based in Venice and helping visitors feel like authentic Venetians while impacting positively the life of the authentic venetian businesses


      The impact of Venezia Autentica in Venice changing tourism


      We’re Valeria and Sebastian. Venezia Autentica is our work of labor and love, it is our attempt to ‘save Venice’ from the plague of mass tourism.
      Don’t get misled by our names, Valeria is French and Sebastian is Venetian. We’re two thirty something, and we have the ambition and determindation that make us believe that, if we work hard enough, we will be able to make a difference.
      We also know that we won’t make it on our own, that saving Venice and the Venetians is a huge bet which can be won only if it involves all the people who have the city at heart.
      That’s why Venezia Autentica is what it is, an open resource for people to inform themselves about Venice and the Venetians, and to know how to support them by doing the right thing: enjoying the city like a local and contributing to the local economy.
      To that end, we build tools making it easy for everybody to discover and support the authentic Venice and are proud to say that, together with you, we are already helping over 150 local shops, bars and restaurants. This is important not only because it helps keep quality products and services in Venice but especially as it contributes to making it possible for many Venetian families to keep on living in their city.

      Valeria Duflot, Co-Founder

      “[…] One day, I was walking on the Strada Nuova and saw a group of locals proudly carrying a gigantic Venetian flag. I was surrounded by huge guided groups on one side and these young guys proud of their identity on the other. Then it struck me. I understood that what’s happening in Venice was not ok and that something had to be done, and fast, to ensure a decent future to the Venetians. I also understood that people like me, visitors, could help. ” Read more


      It's our community which makes change possible

      122.408Total fans

      “[…] In 31 years I’ve seen Venice change, a lot, and not always in the right direction. At this moment Venetians need to step up for their city, and Venezia Autentica is our personal way to fight for what we love.” Read more


      Venezia Autentica, is only at its beginning and wants to be a constantly growing multilingual source of tools and information always trying to be relevant and helpful to the people who care about the future of the Venetians in Venice. Since our very beginning in October 2nd, 2015 we’ve had at heart to show the authentic Venice to the world and to build a solution making it easy for people to have an immediate impact on the future of the local residents.
      Our wish is to empower you, to make you feel at home while in Venice as well as to make you feel part of the local life even when you’re away. Therefore if there is any topic you’re curious about, if you have any idea or suggestion, do not hesitate to let us know! We’ll be happy to read you!
      We hope our work will help you to get to know and support our Venice, the Venice of the locals and we wish you a pleasant experience!
       A presto!
      Valeria & Sebastian
      Thanks for the love! Stay updated, follow us: