Food & Beverage charter of Values - Venezia Autentica | Discover and Support the Authentic Venice - Venezia Autentica's quality label guides you through Venice and helps you eat & drink like a local, while supporting local businesses. Just follow the lion!

      Venezia Autentica's Quality Label, a guide for the smart traveler, a sign of trust in local businesses

      Venezia Autentica’s Quality Label attests that the local business to which it has been attributed shares our values and is therefore committed to high standards of quality, sustainability, and social responsibility. It is attributed only to genuine local activities providing the best of quality products and services. When you spend money in the shop, bar, restaurant, etc. of one of the labels’ recipient, you can discover and enjoy the real Venice while supporting authentic Venetian businesses and therefore the future of the city. The local businesses which display our logo, on top of sharing our values, are committed to rewarding the holders of the “Venezia Autentica Friends’ Pass” with exclusive discounts on all of their products sold at full price.



      All local bars & restaurants signatories of this charter have attested on their honor to be committed to being respecting and to continue respecting the following guidelines:

      • At least 50% of the business belongs to a person living in the Province of Venice.
      • The business makes use of high-quality raw materials.
      • The majority of the raw materials are local or Italian.
      • The cuisine valorizes local or Italian culture and traditions, or creativity and innovation.
      • The quality of the products and of the service provided valorizes the city.
      • The quality of the ingredients, of the final products, and the satisfaction of the customers are strongholds of the business.
      • The business is run in a sustainable way, therefore meeting the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
      • The business respects the rights of the workers and offers a fair wage.
      • At least 50% of the staff employed by the business lives in the Municipality of Venice. The business, therefore, gives jobs to the local community.
      • The owners declare that they love and respect Venice and the Venetian lifestyle.
      We also created a charter for artisan shops

      Where do I find this label?

       The label is displayed on the shop’s window or doors to be easily seen by you!

      How do you chose the businesses you grant your label to?

      All the local businesses we list on this website can receive the label as long as they share our values and commit to rewarding visitors, holder of the “Venezia Autentica Friends’ Pass” who are willing to patronize them. All the shops, bars, restaurants, etc,  listed on this website are our handpicked selection. They are places where you might actually come across us as they are places we trust and appreciate, places that our local friends and family also genuinely recommend.

      Do the local businesses pay for their label?

      There are few criteria (see here) that we apply to decide to add a local business to our website and money is not one of them. We list people for free as we want to give visibility to the activities which are worth your time and money, regardless of their economic situation. We grant the businesses our label when we are genuinely excited about their work, at the condition that they share our values, sign our chart and commit to giving a discount to the holder of the Venezia Autentica Friends’ Pass.

      Got it. But why do you even do that?

      The idea is to support the locals by making it easy, to anyone visiting Venice, to identify and support the Venetian businesses. There are about 30 million people coming to Venice every year, if only a percentage of the visitors knew where to enjoy the best the city has to offer and therefore where to spend time and money, we’re convinced that the authentic Venetian businesses would benefit greatly and so would the city. We believe, indeed, that keeping the authentic local activities in business is the best way to ‘save Venice’ and make a rewarding future possible for who wants to live in this unique city.
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