Coming to Venice?

    Experience the real Venice while making sure you positively impact the local community! It’s easy!

    Or drop us a line to request a more personalised experience

    Travel Consultant Services in Venice, Italy, Venezia Autentica
    Are you planning a trip to Venice for you or a group? We're on site and we'll be happy to help!

    Do you fancy an experience of Venice that only locals can have? Or are you finally coming to Venice but need a bit of help to make the best of your stay? We can help, drop us a line!

    Live Music Perfomance, Production and Recording Services in Venice, Italy, Venezia Autentica
    Craft, Eat, Row and More. Try local experiences with passionate Venetians

    Would you like to experience Venice a different way? Get in touch and we’ll help you share a few hours or more with passionate locals who will be happy to introduce you to their very own world. Arts, Crafts, Sport, Food, Photography, just ask and we’ll try to make it happen

      Some tools and tips to help you experience the authentic Venice by yourself

      Looking for things to do in Venice? Experience Venice with a local!  

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