Cross the Canal Grande of Venice, Italy, in this Gondola Traghetto ride in 360 video

      900 600 Venezia Autentica | Discover and Support the Authentic Venice

      On a gondola to cross the Grand Canal from Rialto to Cannaregio

      Virtual Reality is a fantastic way to feel like you are somewhere where you’d like to be. On this website, you’ll find many immersive images of places around Venice, as well as of local businesses where you could eat, drink and shop. But we decided that it was not enough and to bring you with us on a ride across the Grand Canal!

      The interactive video you see above has been shot from the Traghetto ‘ferry’ crossing from the Pescheria di Rialto to Santa Sofia, in Cannaregio.

      The “traghetti” in Venice are an old form of public transportation consisting on large gondolas without bow decoration, brocaded chairs, and other luxury trimmings, rowed by 2 oarsmen and transporting passengers from one side of the Canal Grande to the other, in the areas where bridges are absent.

      This is the only gondola the Venetians of today regularly use as a mean of transportation, as the iconic canal of Venice is long of 3.5 km but counts only 4 bridges. In the past, long before the existence of the “vaporetti”, the “traghetti” were essentials to the local life, especially until 1854, when the Rialto bridge was the only bridge across the Grand Canal!

      Many would argue, and so would we, that “traghetti” would still be important in Venice, as they are a quick, affordable way to get around the city. Sadly, if until the 1950s the city counted around 30 “traghetti”, the ones still regularly operating in Venice can be counted on the fingers of one hand…

      Did you ever take one? Enjoy the ride!

      I'm visiting Venice. Why should I follow your recommendations?

      The way you visit Venice has an impact both on the quality of your experience and on Venice itself.  Chilling, exploring, shopping, eating and drinking where the locals do, can make a huge impact both on the memories you bring home and on the local economy and community.

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