High on Venice by Samuele Seguso [Photo Gallery]

      900 600 Venezia Autentica | Discover and Support the Authentic Venice

      Seeing Venice from a higher perspective

      The young Venetian photographer Samuele Seguso accepted Venezia Autentica’s challenge to show Venice from a different perspective and took the meaning to a new (upper) level.

      The pictures of this unique collection, don’t show the fine little details of Venice, nor renown landmarks and crafts that Venetian lovers know, instead, Samuele brings us on a unique journey, to show us Venice from a privileged position: the sky!

      These pictures shot from above, are far more than a stunning capture of the beauty of the city, they show the unity and uniformity of Venice. They reinforce the idea of this city being a whole, complex and unique place, and justifying the feeling that many have that Venice is almost a legendary creature emerged from the water in a remote past.

      Visit Samuele’s personal Instagram account

      I'm visiting Venice. Why should I follow your recommendations?

      The way you visit Venice has an impact both on the quality of your experience and on Venice itself.  Chilling, exploring, shopping, eating and drinking where the locals do, can make a huge impact both on the memories you bring home and on the local economy and community.

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