Channel 4 News Interviews Valeria Duflot About Cruise Ship Incident

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      Channel 4 News includes an interview with Venice expert Valeria Duflot

      In their TV coverage of the cruise ship accident in Venice, Channel 4 News asked for Valeria Duflot’s insight on the complex debate regarding cruise ships.

      Channel 4 News Interviews Valeria Duflot About Cruise Ship Incident - Venezia Autentica | Discover and Support the Authentic Venice - In their TV coverage of the cruise ship accident in Venice, Channel 4 News asked for Valeria Duflot's insight on the complex debate regarding cruise ships.In

      In June 2019, Channel 4 News, a British national television program, included an interview with Valeria Duflot in their video coverage of the cruise ship accident that occurred on the Giudecca Canal on June 2. In her interview, Valeria mentioned the double-sided nature of the debate, but urges this topic to be brought to the center of conversation in order to spark actionable change.


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